December ‘23 / January ‘24 RestedXP Addon and Guides Changelog

XP Base Addon Changelog

  • Updated the colors of the text within steps to be more unified across all Era/Wotlk/Dragonflight versions of the guides. If the user manually changed these colors in the RestedXP options, it will now also be working correctly in the rare cases it wasn’t for some specific steps
  • Added a new green theme for RestedXP. Themes and modifications to how the RestedXP window looks in-game can be modified in the “Look and Feel” tab

RXP Era Speedrun Guide Changelog

A new rune guide has been created for Season of Discovery. This rune guide is available in the base addon for all classes, for both Alliance and Horde. It contains 12/12 runes and will be updated and added with more runes as more phases of Season of Discovery roll out.

The following beneficial runes have been implemented into the route of the Speedrun Guide. More beneficial runes will also be included into the Speedrun Guide as they are released in future phases.

Warrior: Flagellation, Frenzied Assault, Victory Rush, Endless Rage, Devastate and Quick Strike

Rogue: Quick Draw, Between the Eyes, Envenom, Shadowstrike, Saber Slash, Mutilate and Deadly Brew
Hunter: Chimera Shot, Master Marksman, Beast Mastery, Explosive Shot and Aspect of the Lion

Warlock: Haunt, Master Channeler and Incinerate (Alliance only for Incinerate)

Mage: Fingers of Frost, Living Bomb, Ice Lance, Living Flame and Regeneration
Priest: Penance, Void Plague, Homunculi, Twisted Faith and Shadow Word: Death
Druid: Fury of Stormrage, Sunfire, Mangle, Savage Roar and Wild Strikes

Paladin: Crusader Strike, Seal of Martyrdom, Rebuke and Exorcist
Shaman: Overload, Lava Lash, Water Shield, Way of Earth and Shamanistic Rage

  • Fixed an issue with the arrow pointing to the players corpse
  • Fixed trainer automation when learning Parry and Throw

RXP Era Speedrun Guide Changelog


  • Improved and fixed steps for completing Trial of the Lake
  • Improved Night Elf routing upon entering Darnassus for the first time
  • Added quest Red Silk Bandanas for Night Elves when running Deadmines
  • Fixed quest id for accepting The Defias Brotherhood (part 1)
  • Improved arrow for entering the Ruins of Andorhal town hall for The Annals of Darrowshire
  • Added a timer for William Pestle’s roleplay in Elwynn Forest
  • Added more specific warnings for Discover Rolf’s Fate in Elwynn Forest
  • Added a Hunter training step in Stormwind if running Deadmines
  • Added quest Favor for Krazek and Return to Corporal Kaleb
  • Added quest Jarl Needs a Blade
  • Improved quest accept routing in Nijels Point
  • Informed user to keep Flash Bombs for King Bangalash
  • Added warnings for Twilight Thugs and Twilight Disciples
  • Updated warnings for Moonstalker Matriarch
  • Added warnings for Grimtotem Raiders
  • Added warnings for Centipaars in Tanarids
  • Added 2 hour timer note for Zanzil’s Mixture and a Fool’s Stout
  • Fixed a duplicate Hearthstone/Fly step when traveling from Azshara to Ashenvale
  • Adjusted guide level ranges for 40-40 Dustwallow Marsh / 40-41 Desolace / 41-41 Badlands
  • Added an extra step to loot the Carefully Folded Note earlier on
  • Added step for Night Elves to buy Simple Wood/Flint and Tinder to cook on the boat from Darkshore to Wetlands
  • Added step to use Elixir of Water Breathing when completing Elemental Bracers
  • Fixed the step to buy Auction House materials for quest Ineptitude + Chemicals = Fun for non Hunter classes
  • Added a level check for equipping Heavy Recurve Bow
  • Added option to skip and complete later the killing of Ilkrud Magthrrull for The Tower of Althalaxx
  • Removed an unnecessary deathskip for mages in Winterspring


  • Adjusted turning in Prodigal Lich Returns for Undead only
  • Minor fixes for Troll/Orc Hunters starting in Durotar
  • Improved steps involving Gornek early in Durotar
  • Adjusted arrow for Sarkoth
  • Improved routing while in Crossroads
  • Added a level 10 grind check check for Shamans and Warriors in Durotar before heading to The Barrens/Mulgore
  • Fixes and adjustments when running Ragefire Chasm
  • Removed some optional Hearthstone steps in southern Barrens and improved routing
  • Fixed a step when collecting the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility
  • Overhauled and improved numerous steps throughout Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Added a level 24 grind check in Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Corrected some level checks when buying arrows as a Hunter in Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Fixed quest id’s for The Ashenvale Hunt
  • Improved Shaman quest Call of Water in Silverpine Forest as well as added an optional website unstuck
  • Improved the arrow for killing Hezrul Bloodmark, Bristleback Water Seekers, Bristleback Thornweavers and Bristleback Geomancers
  • Corrected training Teleport: Orgrimmar to be taught from Thuul
  • Fixed a step incorrectly auto skipping when completing Taming the Beast in Durotar
  • Buying a Smoldering Wand will now correctly complete the step
  • Slightly adjusted the level 21 grind step in Ashenvale
  • Adjusted arrow for discovering Dire Maul (thanks Guzu)
  • Improved coordinates for the following NPCS: Thrall, Kor’ghan, Mura Runetotem & Apothecary Renferrel
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Enter Dungeon’ steps not auto completing upon entering
  • Improved Wailing Caverns routing and added the quest In Nightmares
  • Removed excessive warning messages in Wailing Caverns
  • Added quest Gerenzo’s Orders for grouped players
  • Added additional steps throughout The Barrens to complete and turn in quest Fungal Spores
  • Fixed a purchase food/water step in Silverpine Forest incorrectly autocompleting
  • Improved numerous steps in Blasted Lands to have more accurate coordinates and step layout
  • Added a optional quest for the Deadwood/Winterfall Ritual Totem quest in Felwood and Winterspring
  • Added additional steps to destroy items, such as Unpopped Darkmist Eyes, Crag Coyote Fangs and the Burnished Gold Key
  • Added 2 hour timer note for Zanzil’s Mixture and a Fool’s Stout
  • Added warnings for Grimtotem Raiders
  • Added warnings for Centipaars in Tanaris
  • Added multiple steps throughout Felwood to obtain the Songflower Serenade buff
  • Improved the entirety of the quest chain for The Videre Elixir based on Softcore or Hardcore mode being active

RXP Era Survival Guide Changelog


  • Improved and fixed steps for completing quest Trial of the Lake
  • Removed a step for Hunters being told to fly to Ironforge before starting Loch Modan at level 18
  • Added quest Favor for Krazek and Return to Corporal Kaleb
  • Added quest Jarl Needs a Blade
  • Informed user to keep Flash Bombs for King Bangalash
  • Added warnings for Twilight Thugs and Twilight Disciples
  • Added warnings for Grimtotem Raiders
  • Added warnings for Centipaars in Tanaris
  • Added 2 hour timer note for Zanzil’s Mixture and a Fool’s Stout
  • Updated warnings for Moonstalker Matriarch
  • Added step to use Elixir of Water Breathing when completing Elemental Bracers


  • Adjusted arrow for discovering Dire Maul (thanks Guzu)
  • Removed some optional Hearthstone steps in southern Barrens to improve routing
  • Corrected some level checks when buying arrows as a Hunter in Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Fixed a step when collecting the Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility
  • Removed an invisible step while in Dustwallow Marsh in the 46-48 Tanaris guide
  • Improved the arrow for killing Hezrul Bloodmark, Bristleback Water Seekers, Bristleback Thornweavers and Bristleback Geomancers
  • Adjusted arrow for Sarkoth
  • Corrected training Teleport: Orgrimmar to be from Thuul
  • Overhauled and Improved numerous steps throughout Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Improved steps involving Gornek early in Durotar
  • Improved coordinates for the following NPCS: Thrall, Kor’ghan, Mura Runetotem & Apothecary Renferrel
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Enter Dungeon’ steps not auto completing upon entering

RXP Alliance Advanced Mage AoE Guide

  • Improved arrow for entering the Ruins of Andorhal town hall for The Annals of Darrowshire
  • Added more instructions for finding Fen Creepers in Wetlands
  • Removed “Wait out the RP” text after turning in Deeprun Rat Roundup

RXP WoTLK Changelog


  • Minor adjustments throughout Searing Gorge


  • Typo fixes in Borean Tundra and Arathi Highlands
  • Removed a step that was intended only to be shown for Alliance players in Icecrown

RXP Dragonflight Changelog


    • Fixed a bug causing various starting zone guides to not automatically change to the next zone after completion
    • The following zones have received complete overhauls. These zones have all received improvements to coordinates, routing and clearer instructions within the steps
      • Northshire Valley, Elwynn Forest, New Tinkertown, Coldridge Valley, Dun Morogh, Gilneas & Redridge Mountains
RestedXP Speedrun Guides

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